El último paso en el proceso de la compra o refinanciamiento de una vivienda se conoce como cierre. Es cuando se finalizan todos los detalles de la transacción. Es una buena idea revisar con anticipación lo que sucede para saber qué puede esperar. The last step in the process of buying or refinancing a home […]
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The closing day is generally four to six weeks after signing the sales contract, although it may take longer. The closing process itself can take several hours. Once all the documents have been signed, your mortgage is guaranteed and the closing is completed and officially completed, you will receive the keys to the property. Keep […]
El miedo es parte del éxito, no lo evites ni te frustres, es parte del proceso del aprendizaje así que adelante y que nada te detenga, parte de tú vida pero que no te domine, avanza… Fear is part of success, do not avoid it or get frustrated, it is part of the learning process […]
There is a big difference between a tittle and a deed. The first is a legal document that says, or proves, that you are the owner of the property itself. The second is basically a legal document that proves the transfer of assets from one person to another. In this case, from the seller to […]
Smply put, a process server is someone who delivers court papers to another person who is required to come to court. These people can deliver a wide range of different papers and have many different requirements from state to state. Originally, papers were served by people associated directly with the court, but now any US […]
A diferencia de lo que ocurre con los cónyuges, no hay obligación de dejar herencia a hijos u otros familiares, como hermanos o padres. Las excepciones son Luisiana y Puerto Rico, donde no es permitido desheredar a los hijos. En el resto de los estados, los hijos heredan si se da una sucesión sin testamento […]
An Apostille is a certificate that authenticates the origin of a public document (e.g., a birth, marriage or death certificate, a judgment, an extract of a register or a notarial attestation). The Model Apostille Certificate is reproduced at the beginning of this brochure. Apostilles can only be issued for documents issued in one country party to the Apostille Convention […]
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